We have to link together like an internet cobweb. The More spiders the better

What you can do besides writing to editors, politicians, and speaking up, is to become followers on as many blogs and forums and twitter sites which oppose the Resource Super profit Tax, as possible. If you forward information on the tax to as many people as possible, you will raise awareness. This tax is unconstitutional, and PRRT contains secrecy clauses, which means if you were a "whistleblower" you could be liable for $10,000 fine and or 2 years jail. Worse still, you could not present any documents relating to that company to the court.

When you become a follower, you help raise the status of the campaign. You can Email our cartoons, or pics. use them as screensavers and as an opportunity to raise the Supertax issue. Respect our efforts by adding our links, and giving credit for our volunteered work.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Labors' Pattern Bargaining & I'm standing for the senate NSW

Miners are threatening to place ads during the election campaign.
well. so they should.
why? BECAUSE the Rudd/Gillard labor government engaged in PATTERN BARGAINING. essentially divide and conquer.
that's what the teamsters union do in the USA, and what our unions could do in AUSTRALIA. It's also what work choices was trying to stop.

LABOR picked an industry that they thought they could force to pay more money and one that they hoped that the voters would condone on moral grounds. THEN THEY picked only a few companies to force to an agreement. Then they would use that agreement to force others.

I oppose the mining tax because (1) it is against the constitution (you cannot create tax laws which might not treat the states fairly- in this case WA and QLD were being offered extra incentives.) and ( 2) because of this deceptive way of getting agreement instead of our representatives debating and creating a law about it..which could then be challenged in the supreme court.

(3) by abolishing the royalty system, labor is taking money from the states, and gaining more federally.

(4) Labor will target more industry sectors and bring them to heel one by one. It shouldn't be allowed.

(5) I also oppose the secrecy clauses in the PRRT (and in 176 other pieces of legislation.)

read these articles, and vote for me - Megan Sampson in the NSW senate.
