We have to link together like an internet cobweb. The More spiders the better

What you can do besides writing to editors, politicians, and speaking up, is to become followers on as many blogs and forums and twitter sites which oppose the Resource Super profit Tax, as possible. If you forward information on the tax to as many people as possible, you will raise awareness. This tax is unconstitutional, and PRRT contains secrecy clauses, which means if you were a "whistleblower" you could be liable for $10,000 fine and or 2 years jail. Worse still, you could not present any documents relating to that company to the court.

When you become a follower, you help raise the status of the campaign. You can Email our cartoons, or pics. use them as screensavers and as an opportunity to raise the Supertax issue. Respect our efforts by adding our links, and giving credit for our volunteered work.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't cave in.. the election is nigh. RSPT must be abolished

Don't cave in, otherwise the RSPT will become a precedent for other industries. Tax laws need to be fair and the same for all companies / people. They can't be retrospective, and can't be dreamed up and implemented without scrutiny.
Time is on the side of the miners, as long as they don't let themselves be rushed into a deal. Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard have painted themselves into a corner, and wont give up. The electors will show their displeasure at the election to be held before the end of the year.
There's heaps of press articles, and here's one link worth following.

Gillard must mop up Swan's messAlan Kohler

Published 7:47 AM, 25 Jun 2010 Last update 10:16 AM, 25 Jun 2010 reference


Treasurer Wayne Swan, architect of the stinker of a budget handed down in May, must now work quickly with Prime Minister Gillard to release a mini-budget that makes sense.