We have to link together like an internet cobweb. The More spiders the better

What you can do besides writing to editors, politicians, and speaking up, is to become followers on as many blogs and forums and twitter sites which oppose the Resource Super profit Tax, as possible. If you forward information on the tax to as many people as possible, you will raise awareness. This tax is unconstitutional, and PRRT contains secrecy clauses, which means if you were a "whistleblower" you could be liable for $10,000 fine and or 2 years jail. Worse still, you could not present any documents relating to that company to the court.

When you become a follower, you help raise the status of the campaign. You can Email our cartoons, or pics. use them as screensavers and as an opportunity to raise the Supertax issue. Respect our efforts by adding our links, and giving credit for our volunteered work.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

RIO's chairmam hands QUICK FIX to RUDD

On Abctv inside business today, RIO's chairman, handed the Rudd Government a solution to the furor over the RSPT - supertax on mining..
ref http://www.abc.net.au/insidebusiness/
He gave Rudd the good excuse to legislate ASAP
because this uncertaintly about the tax is damaging Australia's reputation as a stable, predictable country.
when they frame the legislation (whatever that is and how many changes - is anybody's guess.)and get it passed, it then has to go through the Senate.

so its a numbers game..

The numbers right now are ALP 32, and probably the greens 5 =37
LIBS ie 32 plus NATS 4 and CLP 1 = 37
The two who hold the balance of power are Independent 1 = (Nick Xenophon) and Family first 1 (Fielding)
SO how will the vote pan out??
it doesn't matter how many press releases and newspaper/tv ads are placed, the public dont understand the concept, and have closed their ears anyway.


IF THE LEGISLATION is not voted on until after the election, the outcome is anyones guess.New Parties will emerge and independents will stand to support both parties with their second preferencs.

They will target marginal seats and some will stand for the senate.
The senate is where the legislation stands or falls.

"We live in interesting times."